Vision Therapy



Pediatric eye care is another vital service at the Portland Eye Clinic. Recognizing that children’s vision needs differ from adults, we provide specialized assessments and treatments for young patients. Early detection of eye issues such as amblyopia or strabismus is crucial for successful intervention, and our friendly staff ensures a comfortable environment for children during their visit.

Strabismus is a relatively common condition, affecting about 2-4% of the population worldwide. It is one of the most frequent eye disorders seen in children, though it can also develop in adults due to conditions like stroke or trauma. In the United States alone, it is estimated that around 12 million people are affected by strabismus, with varying degrees of severity. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential, as untreated strabismus in children can significantly impair visual development.

Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, is a vision development disorder that typically affects one eye, leading to reduced vision not corrected by glasses or contact lenses. It occurs when the brain favors one eye over the other, often due to misalignment (strabismus), significant difference in prescription between the two eyes, or obstruction of light entering the eye. Early detection and treatment are crucial, especially in childhood, as the brain’s ability to process visual information can decline with age. Treatment options may include corrective eyewear, patching the stronger eye to encourage use of the weaker one, or vision therapy. Timely intervention can significantly improve visual acuity and prevent long-term effects, highlighting the importance of regular eye examinations for children.

Vision therapy is a treatment plan that is intended to develop and improve a patient’s visual skills and abilities, with the goal of making their day-to-day life easier. You may also hear Vision Therapy referred to as VT. Although most commonly associated with children, whose visual skills are still naturally developing, adults can also benefit from vision therapy. Any patient who does not have the necessary visual skills could find themselves suffering from a range of unpleasant symptoms, including headaches, eye fatigue, stiff neck, and double vision. Fortunately, vision therapy is a simple, painless technique to help patients to enhance their visual skills and overcome any issues that they may have been experiencing.